eDirectory Developer Suite

1.0 Description

eDirectory™ Developer Suite includes the following components:

  • Classes for Java* and JNDI Providers (NJCL)

  • Classes for Java and JNDI Providers (NJCL) - Clientless

  • DSML for eDirectory (SOAP)

  • eDirectory Libraries for C

  • Identity Manager (DirXML®) Driver Kit

  • LDAP Classes for Java

  • LDAP JDBC* Driver

  • LDAP Libraries for C

  • NLM™ and NetWare® Libraries for C (including CLib and XPlat)

  • Novell SecretStore® Developer Kit for C

  • Novell SecretStore Developer Kit for Java

2.0 Dependencies

Some of the components in this suite require that the Novell® JVM* for NetWare also be installed.

3.0 Server Installs

Classes for Java and JNDI Providers (NJCL), NJCL - Clientless, and LDAP JDBC Driver default to a client install. You must first install these components to your local workstation and then copy the following files ot a server:


Copy jncpv2.nlm to sys:\java\bin.

Copy njclv2.jar to sys:\java\lib.

For NJCL - C:

Copy jncpv2.nlm to sys:\java\bin.

Copy njclv2.jar to sys:\java\lib.

For the JDBC driver:

Copy ldapjdbc.jar to sys:\java\lib.

Modify your classpath environment variable.

  1. Use the following command line:

    envset CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH;sys:\java\lib\ldapjdbc.jar
  2. Add the command line to the java.cfg file in the sys:\etc directory.