ODBC Driver for eDirectory Read/Write Access

1.0 Installation
2.0 Documentation
3.0 Sample Programs
4.0 Known Issues and Solutions
4.1 Example Programs
4.2 User and Group Tables
4.3 Maximum Number of Columns
4.4 Composite Attributes
4.5 Error 3061
4.6 Query Cancelled Error
4.7 Previous Changes
5.0 Legal Notices

1.0 Installation

To install, run odbcnds.exe. This installation program installs the driver and creates a sample data source named Default eDirectoryTM Database. This data source is configured to access the data from the default context.

Samples for Crystal Reports and Visual Basic are installed along with the driver. The install program automatically creates a Windows Start Menu entry for the sample program groups. The default installation directory is


Note that the driver requires Novell® NetWare® Client 32 or NetWare Client for NT.

The driver can be uninstalled by clicking Start Menu > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs. Select ODBC Driver for eDirectory Read-Write Access and click Add/Remove.

2.0 Documentation

The primary documentation for this driver is the guide and the HTML Help file odbcnds.chm. Other relevant files, such as release notes and samples.txt, are copied to the installation directory when the product is installed.

3.0 Sample Programs

Sample programs are installed with the driver. There are several Crystal Reports and Visual Basic samples. These samples are documented and can be used to create your own programs.

In addition to this, the driver comes with a set of C sample programs, which can be useful by advanced developers.

4.0 Known Issues and Solutions

4.1 Example Programs

If the user doesn't have necessary rights to read the object attributes, some example programs return empty values for some columns. The user should authenticate to eDirectory with Supervisor equivalent rights before running the examples.

4.2 User and Group Tables

The NDS class names USER and GROUP clash with the respective SQL keywords. These two classes are represented as UserNDS and GroupNDS, respectively.

4.3 Maximum Number of Columns

The Microsoft Jet database engine limits the number of columns in a table to 256. If an eDirectory class contains a number of attributes that use compound syntax definitions, the class has been extended with new attributes, or the schema has been extended with many auxiliary classes, that class definition can exceed Microsoft's limit.

You can resolve the problem by creating user-defined tables. In Visual Basic, some Data Controls and Data Access Objects can be set to not use the Jet engine.

The help documentation contains more information on this topic.

4.4 Composite Attributes

Previous releases included a fix for user-defined tables that might make tables that were created with older versions of the driver obsolete.

Any definitions that list composite attributes should be changed to use the base name of the attribute.

The help documentation contains more information on this topic.

4.5 Error 3061

You might get a "3061, too few parameters" error while using Microsoft Jet Database Engine because Jet is parsing the query incorrectly.

You can resolve the error by setting the dbOpenSnapshot and dbSQLPassThrough flags and calling OpenRecordSet or any equivalent function.

For more information, see the sample code for Browse in Visual Basic.

4.6 Query Cancelled Error

While using DAO over ODBCDirect, if the time required to retrieve the result set exceeds the default or user-specified timeout interval, a Query Cancelled message might be returned by the ODBC Driver, followed by an Execution Cancelled message.

You can resolve the errors by setting the QueryTimeout value to zero as follows:

Dim conODBCDirect As DAO.ConnectionconODBCDirect.QueryTimeout = 0

4.7 Previous Changes

The ODBC driver allows you to read and update (insert,update,delete) operations on eDirectory objects. In addition to this, the driver supports update enabled cursor and positioned update. For more details, see ODBC Driver Documentation.

5.0 Legal Notices

Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this download, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Novell, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to its content, at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes.

Further, Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to any software, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Novell, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to any and all parts of Novell software, at any time, without any obligation to notify any person or entity of such changes.

You may not use, export, or re-export this product in violation of any applicable laws or regulations including, without limitation, U.S. export regulations or the laws of the country in which you reside.

All files provided in this release are subject to the Novell Developer License, which can be found in the license.txt file provided in this download.

Copyright © 2004 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, or transmitted without the express written consent of the publisher.

Novell, NetWare, and eDirectory are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

All third-party products are the property of their respective owners.