Finding Duplicates

Follow the instructions below to find duplicate paragraphs with BDF. Make sure you verify the workspace files you plan to compare before running the tool.

  1. If BDF is not already open, double-click the file \<EA Home>\Bin\BDF.exe. If BDF is already open, choose Options > Startup Options. In either case, the BDF scope window opens.
  2. In the BDF scope window, specify the scope of the comparison:
    • In the Select Model drop-down, select the object model for the workspace(s) to be analyzed.
    • In the Select Unit drop-down, select the unit of comparison: Paragraph/Procedure or Program.
    • Select Compare Across Two Workspaces if you want to perform the comparison across workspaces.
    • Select Show Paragraph List to view a list of paragraphs in the workspace(s) to be analyzed. You must choose this option if you want to select and mark the paragraphs to compare. Otherwise, all paragraphs are marked for comparison.
    Tip: For extremely large workspaces, deselect Show Paragraph List to avoid the performance cost of loading paragraphs in the BDF main window.
  3. Click OK. The BDF main window opens.
  4. Choose File > Open Workspace. The Open Workspace dialog opens. Select the workspace (.rwp) for the comparison, then click Open.
    Note: If you are performing the comparison across workspaces, the Open Workspace dialog appears again. Select the second workspace and click Open.
  5. The Select Projects window opens. Select the projects for the comparison, then click OK.
    Note: If you are performing the comparison across workspaces, the Select Projects window appears again. Select the projects for comparison from the second workspace and click Open.
  6. If you are performing the comparison in a single workspace, BDF loads the units of comparison in the List pane. If you are performing the comparison across workspaces, BDF loads the units of comparison for the first workspace at the top of the List pane with a value of A in the Workspace column, and for the second workspace at the bottom of the List pane with a value of B in the Workspace column.
    Tip: Click an item to view its source in the Text pane. Select the appropriate choice in the View menu to show or hide a pane.
  7. Set BDF search options.
  8. Select and mark the items you want to compare, then choose File > Find Duplicates.
BDF writes the results to the output file specified in the BDF search options. The output file renders the results in tab-delimited text. Use a spreadsheet editor to view and manipulate the results.