Understanding the Batch Refresh Process

Provides an overview of the Batch Refresh Process.

The Batch Refresh Process (BRP) is a utility that supports the synchronization of sources from a mainframe or enterprise server with the EA repositories representing those sources. BRP is installed with the EA server.

BRP is responsible for updating the workspace with sources provided to it from the mainframe and verifying all unverified sources. Optionally, BRP can be configured to run any required source code pre-processing, as well as certain analysis and reporting functions.

When sources are updated to a workspace, EA determines whether or not to load the file. When the name of the incoming file matches the name of a file currently in the workspace, the two files are compared. If they are different, the incoming file will replace the existing file. If they are the same, no change is made. If the incoming file does not currently have a match in the workspace, the file is added to the default project. The default project is a project with the same name as the workspace. If this project does not exist, it is automatically created.

Updating a source in a workspace causes that source to be invalidated. Any sources that are dependent upon the updated file will also be invalidated. For example, an update to a copybook will cause all the COBOL files that use the copybook to become invalidated. That, in turn, will cause all JCL files that execute the programs in the source files to become invalidated. Once the update phase is completed, all invalidated and unverified sources in the workspace will be verified.