Specifying Formatting Options for Text Files

Comments, strings, and fixed formats may create "noise" in parser extractions. The more specific you are in defining how you want the parser to handle these and similar text file characteristics, the cleaner your results will be.

  1. To specify formatting options for a text file, click the Format button in the Add New File or Edit File window. The Input Source Format window opens.
  2. In the Input Source Format window, click the button to sort the list by category, click the button to sort the list alphabetically.
  3. Edit the formatting options as necessary:
    • For Boolean values, choose from the drop-down list inside the value field.
    • For string values, enter the text of the string in the value field.
    • For the StringLiteralSymbol option, click the browse button in the value field. The Char Collection Editor window opens. Click the Add button to add a symbol for the start of a string literal. Architecture Modeler displays the new collection member in the lefthand pane. Select the member, then enter its value in the righthand pane. Repeat this procedure for each symbol you want to define. To delete a collection member, select it and click Remove. Click the button to sort the list by category, click the button to sort the list alphabetically. Click OK to confirm your changes.

    The table below shows the formatting options in alphabetical order. Option values are modified automatically depending on your choices in other fields.

    Option Description
    EndingColumn The last valid column of the source.
    HasEndingColumn Whether the source has an ending column.
    HasLiteralContinuationSymbol Whether the source has a literal continuation symbol.
    HasMultiLineComment Whether the source has multiline comments.
    HasSingleLineComment Whether the source has single line comments.
    HasSingleLineCommentContinuation Whether the source has single line comment continuations.
    HasStartingColumn Whether the source has a starting column.
    HasStringLiteralSymbol Whether the source has symbols used to start string literals.
    IgnoreColumns Whether to ignore column information before the starting column and after the ending column.
    IgnoreComments Whether to ignore comments.
    IgnoreStringLiterals Whether to ignore string literals.
    MultiLineCommentEnd Symbol for the end of a multiline comment.
    MultiLineCommentStart Symbol for the start of a multiline comment.
    SingleLineCommentContinuationSymbol Symbol for the continuation of a single line comment.
    SingleLineCommentStart Symbol for the start of a single line comment.
    StartingColumn The first valid column of the source.
    StringLiteralContinuationSymbol Symbol for the continuation of a string literal.
    StringLiteralSymbol Symbols for the start of string literals.
  4. When you are satisfied with your choices in the Input Source Format window, click OK.