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Use this page to create a new DCT. A DCT is a definition of a transient data queue.

If you displayed this page by clicking Copy on a previous page, the values on the previous page are used as the basis for the new DCT.

If you displayed this page by clicking New on a previous page, some values on this page are already set to default values.

Group List

Click this to display the CICS Group group_name.


Click this to save changes you have made to the page, refresh the page and add the new DCT to the group you specify in Grp. The button changes to Apply.


Specify a name for the DCT (can be up to 60 characters).


Choose a group to which this DCT will belong. The list of groups from which you can choose include only those which can be edited by you.


Specify a description for the DCT (can be up to 60 characters).


Choose the destination for transient data:

  • Intra-Part - intrapartition
  • Indirect - indirect
  • Extra-Part - extrapartition
  • Internal Rdr - the internal reader to which CICS applications can direct a JCL jobstream for execution by the JCL engine
Indirect Name

Specify the symbolic name of the indirect destination. The symbolic name is used when writing to the destination. The name can be one to four characters in length. This control has an effect only if you selected Indirect in the Type control.


Check this to enable recovery of the destination in the event of an abnormal termination of either MSS or the transaction processing the destination. This control only has an effect if you selected Intra in the Type control.

Name (Remote Queue)

Specify the name of a remote transient data destination.


Specify the system or region in which the remote transient data destination resides. The name specified must be the same as that given in Name in the SysC or Sys62 definition.


Specify the name of the transaction that is to be automatically initiated when the trigger level specified in Trigger Level is reached. If no transaction is specified, or Trigger Level is set to 0, some other means must be used to schedule transactions to read records from the destinations.


Specify the terminal associated with the transient data destination. The terminal must be defined to MSS.

Trigger Level

Specify the number of records to be accumulated before a task is automatically initiated to process them. The maximum number you can enter is 32767.

File Name

Specify the filename of the extrapartition file.

File Path

Specify the pathname of the extrapartition file.


Specify the filename extension of the extrapartion file.


Specify the name of the stand-alone Fileshare server that controls this file (if required).

Record Max

Specify the maximum length of a record in the extrapartition file.

Record Min

Specify the minimum length of a record in the extrapartition file.

Initial State

Choose the initial status of the data set:

  • Open - the data set is opened by system initialization.
  • Closed - the data set remains closed until you indicate that you want to open it.
Type (Extra-partition File Characteristics)

Choose whether the file is line sequential:

  • Normal - The file is not line sequential.
  • Line Sequential - The file is line sequential.
Print Attributes

Choose whether or not a forms control character is contained in the first position of each record:

  • No Control - Records have no forms control character.
  • ASA - Records contain a form control character that is in ASA format.
  • Machine - Records contain a form control character that is in machine format.
I/O Type

Choose the type of input/output:

  • Input - Input data.
  • Output - Output data.
  • Read Backwards - Input data read from the end of the dataset to the beginning.
Resource Keys, all

Choose a setting to apply to all the resource keys:

  • On - enables all the resource keys.
  • Off - disables all the resource keys.
Resource Keys, 1 - 24

Check any of the boxes 1 through 24 to activate that resource key.

Active, Display

Click this to display the currently installed definition of this resource.

Active, Install

Click this to install (make active) this resource.


Click this to delete this DCT. This button is displayed only after you click Add.


Click this to create a new DCT, using the values set on this page as the basis for the new DCT. This button is displayed only after you click Add.


Click this to create and view dump information for this DCT. This button is displayed only after you click Add.

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