Edit Region Startup File

To locate this screen

  • To edit a region's startup file:
    1. In the Tree pane under SEE Administration, select Regions, and select the region to configure.
    2. In the Actions pane, select Edit Region Startup File.
  • To create or edit a region startup file:
    1. In the Tree pane under SEE Administration, select Configuration Editors > Region Startup.
    2. Chose from the File menu items or use the icons to open or create a region startup file to edit.


Use this screen to create and edit region startup files.
Note: When accessing this option from Configuration Editors, you can open existing region startup files, create new region startup files, and save to either a file or to the cross-region database. You can also edit multiple region startups concurrently. Each startup file appears as tab in the editor. When editing an existing region's startup file, these options are not available.
Available from the right-click menu. Adds a new item at the cursor point.
Edit > Copy
Available from the right-click menu. Copies the currently selected item.
Edit > Paste
Available from the right-click menu. Pastes the copied item. This is available only when the cursor is in a valid location for the copied item.
File > New
Creates a new default region startup.
File > Open
Opens an existing region startup, either from file, or from the cross-region database.
File > Save
Saves the currently open region startup.
File > Save To
Saves an existing region startup, either to a network drive, or to the cross-region database.
File > Close
Closes the open region startup.
Available from the right-click menu. Remove the currently selected item.