Deploy Artifacts to a File Storage Drive.

Deploying artifacts ( programs, mapsets etc) to an azure drive running under a Enterprise Server for .NET Azure instance can be done in a number of ways .

Use the AZCopy tool provided by Microsoft.

Install an FTP server onto the monitor roles and use it to move files backwards and forwards .

  • We don't recommend a particular FTP serve to use, but the ftp server does need to be a standalone ftp server ( not require installation using MSI or other installer technology).
  • The example below will use an FTP server called xlight.

Deploy the system to Azure. When the monitor roles are running, you should be able to ftp to your ftp server using <Service> on port 21. Port 21 is exposed as part of the default deployment on the monitor role for this purpose.

Once an ftp server is online, you can move files backwards and forwards using an ftp client.

You can also use the seedeploy tool as discussed in cmd seedeploy using the cdrv:// url syntax. The seedeploy tool for File Storage use is reliant on the ftp server being available.