The ID can be one to four characters in length and must match the SYSID of the ES/MSS server being defined. The initial connection messages exchanged by MFA Server and ES/MSS use this ID.
If an IMS Option client request does not specify a target server ID or the specified target server ID does not exist, Mainframe Access selects the DEFAULT IMS target server, if one has been defined. This IMS target server ID name is used in the configuration of the client. When a Remote IMS request is sent this name is sent in the request data and is used to locate the target server definition for the IMS system that will receive the request. Specify DEFAULT or an ID of up to four alphanumeric characters.
If a CICS client request does not specify a target server ID or the specified target server ID does not exist, Mainframe Access selects the DEFAULT CICS target server, if one has been defined. This CICS target server ID name is used in the configuration of the client. When a CICS request is sent to Mainframe Access this name is sent in the request data and is used to locate the target server definition for the CICS system that will receive the request. Specify DEFAULT or an ID of up to four alphanumeric characters.
Data Connect client requests do not specify a target server ID and Mainframe Access always looks for the DEFAULT Mainframe Access Data Connect target server definition. Specify DEFAULT.
Supported Values
Value Description
id A valid ID according to the rules above.
ID ="id"