Receive the software

In hlq.UPLOAD you now have a partitioned dataset with 19 members. Each member except FRESTORE is a dataset in transmit format. You need to execute TSO RECEIVE commands on the datasets to create the Mainframe Access datasets.

Member Description Received to
AUTHLIB z/Server load library that needs to be APF authorized. hlq.ZSERVER.AUTHLIB
CONFIG z/Server default configuration members and XML schema. hlq.ZSERVER.CONFIG
DATA z/Server XML sample documents. hlq.ZSERVER.DATA
EXEC z/Server REXX procedures run as ISPF applications called from a client via TCP/IP. hlq.ZSERVER.EXEC
F1 The load module library for Mainframe Access server that needs to be APF authorized. hlq.MFA.LOADLIB
F2 Samples for Mainframe Access server. These include JCL for jobs to be run, JCL for started task procedures and parameter files. The members in this data set are referred to frequently in these configuration instructions. hlq.MFA.CNTL
F3 Translation tables used by Mainframe Access server. hlq.MFA.TABLES
F4 Product source and object files that you may need during setup of the Remote IMS Server feature. hlq.MFA.RIMS
FRESTORE JCL to receive all other members.
JCL z/Server JCL samples. hlq.ZSERVER.JCL
LOADLIB z/Server load library. hlq.ZSERVER.LOADLIB
MASTER z/Server master configuration file. hlq.ZSERVER.MASTER
MSGS z/Server ISPF message library belonging to the ISPF applications in EXEC. hlq.ZSERVER.MSGS
OSR Optimized schema representation used for internal XML validation. hlq.ZSERVER.OSR
PANELS z/Server ISPF panel library belonging to the ISPF applications in EXEC. hlq.ZSERVER.PANELS
REXX z/Server REXX procedures and REXX samples. hlq.ZSERVER.REXX
SAMPLIB z/Server Sample programs. hlq.ZSERVER.SAMPLIB
SKELS z/Server ISPF skeleton library belonging to the ISPF applications in EXEC. hlq.ZSERVER.SKELS
XML z/Server Sample models (PDS Explorer). hlq.ZSERVER.XML

On the mainframe, edit member FRESTORE in the upload library, hlq.UPLOAD. Follow the instructions in that member to customize the JCL and then submit that job to restore the product libraries from the uploaded files and populate your new product runtime libraries.