Customizing an STC scheduler address space JCL (TAURISPF)

The z/Server scheduler task TAURISPF is responsible for the communication with a client and listens for incoming client requests on the port designated as LISTENER_PORT in the scheduler configuration file. The scheduler also defines a range of ports that are used, as needed, when a user server is started, and routes some of the incoming work to the appropriate user server address space. It is essentially a batch TSO address space. Configuring these ports is covered in Configuring z/Server.

Customize the sample hlq.ZSERVER.JCL(IVPISPFJ) and copy it to the PROCLIB concatenation and named as taurispf.

Verify and customize the high level qualifier defined for TAURHLQ, and also TCPDATA to make sure it specifies the correct TCPIP configuration data set:

//TAURISPF PROC                                               
//TAURHLQ  SET  TAURHLQ=HLQ.ZSERVER                           
//TCPDATA  SET  TCPDATA=TCPIP.TCPDATA                         
//IVPISPF  EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,PARM='TAURIP',                   
//       DYNAMNBR=200,REGION=0M,TIME=NOLIMIT                  
//*SYSABEND DD  SYSOUT=*,DSN=&&SYSUDUMP                       
//SYSUDUMP DD  SYSOUT=*,DSN=&&SYSUDUMP                        
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*,DSN=&&SYSPRINT                        
//SYSTSPRT DD  SYSOUT=*,DSN=&&SYSTSPRT                        
//ZCOTSPRT DD  SYSOUT=*,DSN=&&SYSTSPRT                        
//SYSTSIN  DD  DUMMY                                          
//READER   DD  SYSOUT=(*,INTRDR)                              
//SYSTCPD  DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=&TCPDATA                          
Note: Notice that the IPCONFIG DD statement is commented out. This must not be enabled if you are using the new XML configuration file.

The SYSTCPD DD statement has been added to provide information about the IP stack on your host to the started task.

DD statement MAILHDR names the sample dataset from which to copy the pattern for email notification addressees if email notification is configured. Email notification is intended to send an email to predefined recipients in case of an error situation. It requires that an SMTP server is available which forwards the generated emails.