Allocating and Initializing an Audit Log Data Set

The Mainframe Access audit log feature uses a VSAM data set to record client login and logout information. The information that is logged includes the user ID, client IP address, login and logout times, target server name and encryption usage. If you want to use the audit log feature you need to prepare the audit log data set and update the Mainframe Access JCL procedure.

Sample member AUDIT contains the JCL to allocate and initialize a Mainframe Access audit log VSAM data set. Edit the JOB card, data set names and volume serial number information, then submit the job and verify that the condition code for the INITLOG step is 0 (zero). Note that a condition code of 8 for the ALLOCLOG step is normal the first time that you run this job.

When editing the data set names you may use a global change command to change all instances of HLQ to the high level qualifier that you selected for Mainframe Access data sets during the installation procedure.

Edit the Mainframe Access startup JCL to make the audit log data set available. Do this by removing the keyword DUMMY and the trailing comma (DUMMY,) from the XDBAUDIT DD statement:

    //* Optional audit log data set