Prepare to Debug

Walks you through the process of creating a Debug Configuration and setting break points.

Create a Debug Configuration

  1. In the Application Explorer view, click the ProgramREST project.
  2. From the main menu, click Run > Debug Configurations.
  3. In the left pane, right-click COBOL Enterprise Server; then select New Configuration from the context menu.
  4. At the very top of the right pane, type ProgramREST into the Name field.
  5. On the General tab click the Browse button that corresponds to the Connection and Server fields.
  6. Select ESREST; then click OK.
    Note: If the ESREST enterprise server instance is the only instance defined in Enterprise Server, these fields are completed for you.
  7. Under Debugging type, click the Web Service tab.

    This shows that all debug Web services are invoked by a request from the client.

  8. Click Apply; then click Debug.
  9. Answer Yes to any prompts to open views or perspectives.
  10. In the Debug view, you should now see an entry for debugging ProgramREST [COBOL Enterprise Server].

Set Breakpoints

You want to be able to see when the client program hands off control to the service running in Enterprise Server. Because the program hands off control at two points in its execution – first to run the MakeAppt operation, and second to run the CheckAppt operation – you set a breakpoint at each hand-off point in the code so you can step through the program.

The code that calls the service is contained in the MakeCheckAppt-proxy.cbl file:

call "InvokeService03"

It appears twice in the program. You want to set a breakpoint just before each of these call statements.

  1. From the Application Explorer view, expand ProgramREST > client.
  2. Double-click MakeCheckAppt-proxy.cbl. This places the source code into the COBOL editor.
  3. Press Ctrl+F to search for the following code:
    move 256 to wsc-srvc-faultcode-len
  4. Place your mouse pointer in the left-most column at that line of code and double-click to set a breakpoint.
    Note: When the breakpoint has been set, a dot appears in the left-most column.
  5. Search for the next instance of:
    move 256 to wsc-srvc-faultcode-len
    and set another breakpoint.