Files in the Docker Demonstration for the Enterprise Developer Base Image

For users of Enterprise Developer for Eclipse:

The files contained in the Docker demonstration for the Enterprise Developer base image are as follows:

bld.bat Batch file to automate the process of building Enterprise Developer images.

For full details on the parameters you can specify to bld.bat see Running the Docker Demonstration for the Enterprise Developer Base Image.

bld.env Configuration file defining various environment variables that are used while building the images. The environment variables define details such as the names of installable files and strings to be used for different parts of the image names.
convsetx.ps1 PowerShell script file used by Dockerfile.x86 and Dockerfile.x64 to configure the COBOL environment to make it specific to 32-bit or 64-bit applications.
Dockerfile Dockerfile used to build the base microfocus/edbuildtools:win_5.0 and microfocus/edbuildtools-build:win_5.0 image using OpenJDK from AdoptOpenJDK to provide Java support.

For a detailed look at the commands used in this file, see Dockerfiles in the Docker Demonstration for the Enterprise Developer Base Image.

Dockerfile.oraclejava Additional Dockerfile to produce a version of the Enterprise Developer base image that uses the Oracle JDK to provide Java support. Enterprise Developer does not include the files that provide this support, so you must obtain these files yourself and ensure that you are licensed to use them.
Dockerfile.nojava Additional Dockerfile to produce a base image for Enterprise Developer that does not include Java support. You might want to use this if your system already includes a number of different versions of Java and you don't want to introduce another version unnecessarily.
Dockerfile.x64 Dockerfile used to build the microfocus/edbuildtools:win_5.0_x64 and microfocus/edbuildtools-build:win_5.0_x64 images based on the microfocus/edbuildtools:win_5.0 and microfocus/edbuildtools-build:win_5.0 images respectively.

This is a very simple Dockerfile that uses the convsetx.ps1 PowerShell script file to customize the COBOL environment for use with 64-bit applications.

Dockerfile.x86 Similar to Dockerfile.x64 but builds the microfocus/edbuildtools:win_5.0_x86 and microfocus/edbuildtools-build:win_5.0_x86 images for use with 32-bit COBOL applications.
edbt_50.exe The installable executable file for Enterprise Developer Build Tools for Windows.
getAdoptOpenJDK.ps1 PowerShell script file used by Dockerfile to perform a number of different operations related to AdoptOpenJDK's OpenJDK, including downloading the required files, unzipping the files, and setting the environment to enable Java support.
palic.env Configuration file used to specify the name of the license (.mflic) file for Enterprise Developer.
prodver.env Configuration file containing a setting that specifies the version of Enterprise Developer that this Docker demonstration is supplied with.
README*.* Files for HTML and plain text documents containing instructions on how to build the Enterprise Developer base images.

For users of Enterprise Developer UNIX Components:

The files contained in the Docker demonstration for the Enterprise Developer base image are as follows:

bld.env Configuration file defining various environment variables that are used while building the images. The environment variables define details such as the names of installable files and strings to be used for different parts of the image names.
bld.funcs Definitions of functions used in the script. Shell script to automate the process of building Enterprise Developer images.

For full details on the parameters you can specify to see Running the Docker Demonstration for the Enterprise Developer Base Image.

Dockerfile Dockerfile used to build the Enterprise Developer base image. For a detailed look at the commands used in this file, see Dockerfiles in the Docker Demonstration for the Enterprise Developer Base Image.
palic.env Configuration file used to specify the name of the license (.mflic) file for Enterprise Developer.
prodver.env Configuration file containing a setting that specifies the version of Enterprise Developer that this Docker demonstration is supplied with.
README*.* Files for HTML and plain text documents containing instructions on how to build the Enterprise Developer base image.
setup_entdev_for_docker_5.0_platform The installable executable file for Enterprise Developer Build Tools for Windows.

There is also an associated .sum file for this file. You can ignore this file.

Note: The name of the Enterprise Developer base image depends on the platform you are using:
  • On Red Hat Linux the base image is microfocus/entdevhub:rhel7_5.0_x64.
  • On SUSE Linux the base image is microfocus/entdevhub:sles12sp3_5.0_x64.