Command Line Batch Interface

The command line is:

dfconv [-d|-D|-f|-F] [-s|-S] profile-fname [input-fname] [output-fname]
where the parameters are:
-d, -D
Stops the display of the data file convert console messages.(Optional.)
Do not specify if -f or -F is already specified.
-f, -F
Only the fixed text output is displayed; no dynamic updates displayed to the console after each record is processed. (Optional.)
Do not specify if -d or -D is already specified.
-s, -S
Skips DBCS checking. This option only has an effect when set in an environment where the locale uses a code page with a DBCS encoding. Only set this option if you are running within a DBCS locale, but are converting a file that only contains SBCS data. Setting this option in such circumstances, will significantly improve the performance of the conversion.
The name of the profile file that contains the details of the task you need to perform.
Note: This file must have a .PRO extension. If you specify a file with any other extension, DFCONV attempts to locate a profile file using the specified base-name and the .PRO extension.
The name of the input file (optional).
The name of the output file (optional).

The input and output file-names are optional as they can be extracted from the profile file. If you specify file-names on the command line as well as in the profile file, those on the command line take precedence.

After conversion, the operating system error level (ERRORLEVEL) is set to non-zero if an error occurred during conversion. If you are running the conversion from a batch file, you can interrogate this to determine what action to take after the conversion.