There is a limit of 500 MFLDs which can be defined for a single input or output message. Only MFLDs which specify a DFLD-name are counted toward the limit of 500. That is, MFLD literals and MFLDs with only a LTH keyword are not counted. If the message contains LPAGE definitions, the limit is 500 MFLDs for each logical page. The limit of 500 is after any DO statement expansion.


Keyword Values MID MFLD Description
1st operand DFLD-name Supported and edited
literal value Supported and edited. A maximum of 4,000 bytes of literal data is allowed for each input message. If the input message contains logical pages, the limit applies to each logical page.
(DFLD-name, literal) Supported and edited. A maximum of 6,000 bytes of default MID literal data is allowed for each input message. If the input message contains logical pages, the limit applies to each logical page.

If two MFLDs name the same DFLD and one MFLD specifies a default literal but the other does not, the default literal is returned to both MFLDs when no input data is received for the field.

Literals and default literals cannot exceed 92 bytes in length. All literals are truncated to the LTH value or are padded to the LTH value with the FILL character.

PF key field Supported but not edited. The maximum length of a PF key MFLD is 50 bytes. Cannot appear more than twice in the same input message.
Cursor field Supported but not edited. Can only appear once in the same input message.
LTH value Supported and edited
(pp, nn) Partially supported and edited. A pp value other than one produces a warning message and one is assumed.
JUST L Supported and edited
R Supported and edited if the length of the MFLD not including attribute bytes is equal to or less than the DFLD length. If the MFLD length is greater than the DFLD length, justification occurs but a FILL character of zero is assumed.
ATTR YES, NO Supported and edited
number of extended attribute bytes Supported and edited. A maximum value of five is supported.
FILL NULL Supported and edited with restrictions.
All other values Supported and edited. The FILL value for an MFLD which names a DFLD not present in the DPAGE is assumed to be spaces.
EXIT number, vector Supported and edited. Ignored if specified for an MFLD which names a DFLD not defined in the DPAGE.


Keyword Values Description
1st operand DFLD-name Supported but not edited
(DFLD-name, literal) Supported but not edited. Literal values are truncated if longer than the LTH and padded if shorter than LTH. The FILL character is used to pad short literals. A maximum of 7,000 bytes of MOD literal data is allowed in one output message. If the message contains logical pages, the limit applies to each logical page.
(DFLD-name, SYS-LIT) Supported and edited. All system literals are supported. LTSEQ and LPAGENO always contain a value of one. LTMSG is always spaces.
(, SCA) Supported but not edited. Only the bit settings for 3270 Force Format Write and Erase Unprotected Fields are supported. If neither is set, nothing is erased. Other bit settings are ignored.
LTH value Supported and edited. A maximum length of 4095 is supported. The length is not checked to see if it exceeds the device capacity.
JUST L Supported and edited
R Output MFLDs longer than the DFLD length have the right-most bytes of the MFLD displayed in the DFLD
ATTR YES, NO Supported and edited
number of extended attribute bytes Supported and edited. A maximum value of five is allowed but only color and highlighting can be changed dynamically.