DEV-- Device Definition

Only 3270 display, 3270 printers and SCS1 printer devices are supported.
Keyword Values Description
TYPE 3270P A 3270 printer
SCS1 An SCS1 printer. SCS1 printers are processed the same as 3270 printers.
3270,1 3270-A5 A 3270 model 1. This is processed the same as a model 2
3270,2 3270-A2 A 3270 model 2 24x80 screen
3270-A3 A 3270 model 3 32x80 screen
3270-A4 A 3270 model 4 43x80 screen
3270-A7 A 3270 model 5 27x132 screen
Other values processed as a 3270 model 2

DEV for 3270 Display

Keyword Values Description
FEAT All values Ignored
PEN All values Ignored
CARD All values Ignored
SYSMSG All values Ignored
DSCA x'00' and x'80' through x'F0' Supported but not edited. Only the bit settings for 3270 Force Format Write and Erase Unprotected Fields are supported. If neither is set, nothing is erased. Bit settings for other hardware control, such as Sound Beep, are ignored.
SUB All values Ignored
PFK *NAME Supported and edited
integer= or positional literal Both the positional and keyword syntax is supported for PF key value assignment
NEXTPP, NEXTMSG, NEXTMSGP, NEXTLP Ignored. These values are processed as Enter which is equivalent to NEXTPP in IMS Option.
ENDMPPI Supported for physical paging
PDB All values Ignored

DEV for 3270 Printer

Keyword Values Description
FEAT 120, 126, 132 Sets the page width if WIDTH is not specified
All others Ignored
WIDTH All values Supported and edited. Width is limited to 133.
PAGE line count Supported but not edited
DEFN SPACE FLOAT Page length control always processed as DEFN
DSCA All values Ignored