DPAGE-- Device Definition

There is a limit of 16,386 DPAGE statements which can be defined for any one FMT definition.

For 3270 Display

Keyword Values Description
CURSOR Row, Column, Fieldname Supported but not edited. The cursor fieldname is optional but can be referenced in the MID or MOD. With physical paging, only the first 10 physical pages adhere to this default cursor position
FILL All values The FILL value is processed for /FOR command and is used to fill short fields for an inserted message. Fields not provided on insert are always filled with x'3F'.
MULT YES Ignored. All physical pages must be displayed before MID formatting.
PD All values Ignored
ACTVPID All values Ignored

For 3270 Printer

Keyword Values Description
FILL All values Ignored. Always filled with spaces