Get Account Data Operation

The Get Account Data operation retrieves the requested account information from the database and exposes it in the service interface.

  1. Click Operation > New.
  2. In the Operation Name field, type Get Account Data.
  3. From the Active Screen drop-down list, click ACCTSET.ACCTDTL. This is the name of the details screen of the ACCT application.
  4. In the Previous Screen field, leave the default value of ANY SCREEN because in this service interface, the ACCTSET.ACCTDTL screen is used only once.
  5. Leave the Transaction ID field blank. This operation does not start a transaction.
  6. Leave Create Default Mappings unchecked.
  7. Click OK. The CICS Screen pane now shows the ACCTSET.ACCTDTL screen.

    We want this operation to retrieve the data for a specified account. Therefore, we need to identify the fields on the ACCTSET.ACCTDTL screen that contain the information we want to include.

  8. Hover over the fields on the ACCTSET.ACCTDTL screen and identify the location of the following fields:
    • SNAMED - surname
    • FNAMED - first name
    • ADDR1D - first address field
    • ADDR2D - second address field
    • TELD - telephone number

    These five fields contain the data we want to retrieve from the database.

  9. Drag each of the fields listed in step 8 from the screen to the Interface Fields pane and drop them there.

    We want to rename each of the fields to something more meaningful. The default direction for each of these fields is Input. Because these fields function as output fields in our service, we must change their direction to Output.

  10. Double-click each entry on the Interface Fields list. Rename each as indicated in the following table, and click the Output radio button for each:
    Name New Name
    SNAMED LastName
    FNAMED FirstName
    ADDR1D Address1
    ADDR2D Address2
    TELD Phone
  11. Click File > Save CICSScreenWS.svi to save the completed Get Account Data operation.