Note: This is a technology preview feature only. It is being made available to allow you to test and provide feedback on this new
capability; however, this feature is not intended for production use and it is not supported as such.
- Make a backup copy of the
seelistener.exe.config file, located by default in
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\binAnyCPU\SEE
- Start the Enterprise Server for .NET UI. If you need instructions, see
To start Enterprise Server for .NET Administration.
- In the
Tree pane, expand
SEE Administration > Configuration Editors, and then select
Listener Configuration Editor opens in the
Results pane.
- If the
seelistener.exe.config file is not already open in the
Listener Configuration Editor, select
File > Open, and navigate to and double-click the
seelistener.exe.config file.
- Expand
- Right-click a region name, and then select
Add Channel > DCAS from the context menu.
- In the
Add New DCAS Listener Channel dialog box, complete the fields as follows:
Type a name for the new listener.
Specify the port number you want this listener to use.
Note: Port
8990 is conventionally used for DCAS.
- Click
- Optionally further configure the DCAS listener by setting the appropriate
Client auth fields in the right pane.
For a description of each option, see
Listener Configuration Editor - Options.