Azure Deployment : Startup Tasks View


A startup task defines a command file that is run when the virtual machine hosting the worker role is started.

By default, Micro Focus uses a command file called 1 which must be run first. This command file must be run or the Enterprise Server for .NET will not run.

You can add extra actions by adding rows to the table. They will be run in sequence. You might want to do this, for example, to install a third party service for printer support.

Click Add Startup Task to add a startup task, or to delete a startup task click the Delete icon to the left of the row.

For each Start up task, the following needs to be configured:

Command Line
The name of the batch or command file to be run.
Execution Context
The execution context within which the command file will be run. Permitted values are limited, elevated.
Task Type
The type of task. Permitted values are simple, foreground or background.

Refer to the Azure documentation for further information on these options.