Defines the attributes for a set of terminals that have similar characteristics.
Keyword Description
TYpeterm(name) Names this terminal type. Mandatory. name can be up to four alphanumeric characters in length. Acceptable characters are A through Z, 0 through 9, $, @ and #.
Group(groupname) Names the group the terminal type definition belongs to. Mandatory. groupname can be up to eight characters in length. Acceptable characters are A through Z, 0 through 9, $, @ and #. Do not specify a group name starting with DFH, as Mainframe Subsystem Support (MSS) uses that prefix for system groups.
DEScription(text) Describes the terminal type. Optional. text can be up to 60 characters in length, with no restrictions except that if you use a left parenthesis you must ensure that there is a matching right parenthesis.
Resource Type  
DEVice(3270|3270P) Specifies the device type:

3270: display

3270P: printer

SHippable(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not this definition can be shipped to a remote system if a device of this type attempts to initiate a remote transaction.

Yes: the terminal definition can be shipped. It is not necessary for the terminal definition to be installed on the remote system.

No: the terminal definition cannot be shipped. You must ensure that the terminal definition is installed on the remote system.

Mapping Properties  
PAGesize(rows,columns) Specifies the page size for the terminal type being defined. Page size is defined as rows, in the range 0 through 999, and columns, in the range 0 through 999. The default is 24 by 80.
ALTPage(rows,columns) Specifies the page size for the terminal type being defined, if you have specified an alternate screen size (none-default values for ALTSCreen). Alternate page size is defined as rows, in the range 0 through 999, and columns, in the range 0 through 999. The default is 24 by 80. Unexpected results may occur if the number of columns is not the same as the number of columns you specify for alternate screen size. Defaults to the values specified in PAGesize
OBOperid(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not MSS uses the outbound operator identifiers to support the BMS routing facilities required by this terminal type definition.
Device Properties  
DEFscreen(rows,columns) Specifies the default screen size for the 3270 terminal type being defined. This is the screen size that is used when a transaction definition specifies a default screen. Screen size is defined as rows, in the range 0 through 999, and columns, in the range 0 through 999. The default is 24 by 80. There is no validity checking; incorrect sizes may lead to unpredictable behavior.
ALTSCReen(rows,columns) Specifies the alternate screen size for the 3270 terminal type being defined. This is the screen size that is used when a transaction definition specifies an alternate screen. Screen size is defined as rows, in the range 0 through 999, and columns, in the range 0 through 999. The default is 24 by 80. There is no validity checking; incorrect sizes may lead to unpredictable behavior.
APLKybd(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not the terminal type has the APL keyboard feature
AUDiblealarm(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not the terminal type has the audible alarm feature
COLor(Yes|No) Indicates whether or not the terminal type has the color feature, allowing colors to be selected for individual fields
COPy(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not the terminal type has the copy feature
DUalcasekybd(No|Yes) Indicates which type of keyboard the terminal type has:

Yes: the terminal has a typewriter keyboard

No: the terminal has an operator console keyboard

Both types of keyboard transmit both upper-case and lower-case data.

_Ewa (NO|YES) Enables a 3270 device to shift its display into its alternate mode.
EXtendedds(Yes|No) Indicates whether or not the terminal type supports extensions to the 3270 data stream:

Yes: extensions are supported. You must specify Yes if you also specify yes for Color or Hilight.

No: extensions are not supported.

HIlight(Yes|No) Indicates whether or not the terminal type has the extended highlight feature, allowing individual fields or characters to be displayed in bold, reverse video, or blinking
Katakana(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not the this terminal type is a Katakana terminal type. Katakana terminals do not support mixed case output. Upper-case characters appear as upper-case English, but lower-case characters appear as Katakana characters.
Lightpen(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not the terminal type has the light pen selector feature. MSS emulates this feature using mouse clicks.
_Numlock (NO|YES) Enables the Numeric lock.
PRIntadapter(Yes|No) Indicates whether or not output BMS screens with the PRINT option set on are to be copied automatically to an attached printer.
PROgsymbols(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not the terminal type supports the programmed symbol facility. This facility allows you to use a maximum of six sets of 191 characters.
OUtline(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not the terminal type supports field outlining
SOsi(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not the terminal type supports mixed EBCDIC and DBCS fields
CGcsgid(num1,num2) Specifies the coded graphic character set global identifier (CGCSGID) that enables transaction programs to determine what character set is supported by this terminal. Defaults to 0,0, which means that the terminal type does not support this feature. num1 is the graphic character set global identifier (GCSGID) and num2 is the code page global identifier (CPGID).
Session Properties  
AScii(No|7|8) Specifies whether or not this terminal type has an ASCII feature:

No: the terminal type does not have an ASCII feature

7: Terminals of this type are ASCII-7 terminals. All outbound data is translated to 7-bit ASCII, and all inbound data is translated to EBCDIC

8: Terminals of this type are ASCII-8 terminals. All outbound data is translated to 8-bit ASCII, and all inbound data is translated to EBCDIC

SENdsize(number) Specifies the size, in bytes, of the receive buffer of a terminal of this type. This represents the maximum amount of data that the terminal can receive, and depends on the capability of the device. Considerations of line quality may lead you to specify a buffer size that is less than the terminal type's maximum buffer size. A message longer than the receive buffer is broken into as many request units as are necessary. Defaults to 0 (zero). If you specify a zero buffer size, the message is not broken up; the whole message is presented.
RECEivesize(number) Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of a request unit that can satisfy a receive request. The value you specify may be rounded down.
Diagnostic Display  
ERRLastline(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not error messages are displayed at the bottom of the screen:

Yes: an error message is displayed at the bottom of the screen, starting at a position that allows the entire message to be shown at once. If messages are received in quick succession, an earlier message may be overwritten before the user has time to read it. Messages displayed in this way may have the additional attributes specified in ERRIntensity, ERRColor and ERRHilight.

No: an error message is displayed at the current cursor position, and without any additional attributes.

ERRIntensify(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not an error message is displayed in an intensified field (bold). A setting of Yes takes effect only if ERRLastline is set to Yes.


Specifies the color in which error messages are to be displayed on a terminal of this type. A setting other than NO takes effect only if ERRLastline is set to Yes.


Specifies the type of highlighting to be used for error messages displayed on a terminal of this type. A setting other than No takes effect only if ERRLastline is set to Yes.
Operational Properties  
AUTOConnect(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not a session with the terminal is established when the region starts up:

Yes: a session is established when the region starts up

No: a session is established when the user signs on at the terminal

ATi(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not a transaction can be automatically initiated on this terminal. If you specify ATi(No), you should specify TTi(Yes) to allow users to initiate transactions.
TTi(Yes|No) Indicates whether or not users can initiate transactions at this terminal. If you specify TTi(No), you should specify ATi (Yes) to allow transactions to be automatically initiated.
CReatesess(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not a session can be initiated from a terminal of this type:

Yes: EXEC START requests and Automatic Transaction Initiation (ATI) requests are allowed to create sessions automatically

No: EXEC START requests and Automatic Transaction Initiation (ATI) requests are not allowed to create sessions automatically. Such requests are queued or rejected if a session has not been established.

Nepclass(number) Specifies the transaction class of the node error program. Defaults to 0 (zero), which indicates that the default node error program is to be used.
Signoff(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not a terminal of this type is to be automatically signed off in the absence of user input:

Yes: the terminal is to be automatically signed off after a period of no user input; the length of this period is specified in the Timeout field of the user's entry in the sign-on table.

No: the terminal is not automatically signed of in the absence of user input.

Message Receiving Properties  
ROutedmsgs(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not messages are routed to a terminal of this type by the EXEC CICS ROUTE command:

Yes: BMS routes to this terminal messages that are destined for all terminals, as well as messages destined for this terminal

No: no messages are routed to this terminal, even if they are specifically destined for this terminal

LOGOnmsg(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not the transaction that displays the logon message will be initiated when this terminal is connected:

Yes: the logon transaction is initiated when a session is established and displays the logon message on the terminal. Automatic Transaction Initiation (ATI) is used to start the transaction, so you must specify ATi(Yes). The transaction competes with any other ATI transactions for use of the terminal. If you specified ErrLastline(Yes), the logon message does not overwrite any error message currently displayed.

No: the logon transaction is not initiated when a session is established.

Application Features  
BUildchain(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not MSS is to reassemble request units into complete messages before passing data from a terminal of this type to a transaction program:

Yes: MSS reassembles request units into a complete message before passing it to a transaction program.

No: messages are received by the transaction program in individual request units.

USerarealen(number) Specifies the size, in bytes, of the user area of a terminal of this type. Defaults to 0 (zero).
Ioarealen(min,max) Specifies the minimum and maximum sizes, in bytes, of the terminal I/O area to be passed to a transaction program when it issues a RECEIVE. If you specify min, a terminal I/O area of at least that size is passed to the transaction program. If you specify both values and a message longer than min but shorter than max is received, then a terminal I/O area of the maximum size is passed to the transaction program. A message longer than max causes the node abnormal condition program to send an exception response to the terminal. Defaults to 0,0.

If you specify ATi(Yes), you must specify a terminal I/O area of at least one byte.

UCtran(No|Yes|Tranid) Indicates whether or not data entered in lower case is to be translated to upper case:

Yes: data input in lower case is translated to upper case

No: data input in lower case is not translated to upper case

Tranid: transaction identifiers input in lower case are translated to upper case; not other input data is translated

_Tctuashr (NO|YES) TCT User Area Shared.


Specifies how MSS recovers the session and returns the terminal to normal service:

Sysdefault: MSS selects the best recovery strategy based on session activity and the characteristics of the terminal

Clearconv: MSS sends a CLEAR request to reset the conversation state, or an UNBIND request if the session does not support the CLEAR request. MSS sends the CLEAR or UNBIND request only if the session was busy.

Releasesess: MSS sends an UNBIND request to clear the active session, if the session was busy.

Uncondrel: MSS sends an UNBIND request to clear the active session, whether or not the session was busy

None: the terminal session is not automatically recovered. If you specified AUTOConnect(Yes), the terminal is automatically reconnected



Specifies how the user is notified of system recovery:

None: the user is not notified

Message: a message is displayed on the terminal. The terminal must be capable of displaying BMS maps, and you must have specified ATi(Yes)

Micro Focus Extensions  
_Featurebuff(No|Yes) Indicates whether or not BMS buffers formatted data streams that are sent to a terminal of this type:

Yes: When an application issues a series of SEND TEXT PRINT commands, MSS sends a page to the terminal only when it is full

No: When an application issues a series of SEND TEXT PRINT commands, MSS sends a page to the terminal for every command issued, filling up the page by appending blank lines if necessary


DESCRIPTION(Sample terminal type definition)
       DEVICE(3270) SHIPPABLE(NO) PAGESIZE(24,80) ALTPAGE(24,80)