JES Spool Job job-number

Use this page to view details of a job's execution and change control information for a job.

Apply Click this to apply any changes you have made.

Release Click this to release a held job, so that it can run. This button changes to a Hold button when you click it. If you have also changed the value for Class or Priority the change is applied.

Hold Click this to hold the job, so that it cannot run until you click Release. This button changes to a Release button when you click it. If you have also changed the value for Class or Priority the change is applied.

Display Click this to display details of the output from an individual job step. The maximum number of lines returned will never exceed 99999.

The name of the data set produced by the job step; the first entry is always for the system log, sys.log.
The current status of the data set:
The job is currently being executed.
The file has been printed.
Input Hold
The job is currently held in the input queue: it will not be executed until you release it.
Input Ready
The job is currently in the input queue.
The status is unknown.
Output Hold
The output from the job is held awaiting release.
Output Ready
The output from the job is available to be scheduled.
MSS is currently parsing the JCL.
The output data set is scheduled to an output device but not yet actioned (transient state).
The output data set is held awaiting release.
SYSOUT Printed
The output data set has been printed but other parts of the job are still pending.
The output data set is available to be scheduled to an output device.
The number of records in the output file.
The minimum record length.
The maximum record length.
The codeset of the output file.
The date and time the output file was created.
The class of the job, as specified on the JOB card. If you want to change the class of the job, specify the new class and click APPLY. For example, you might want to change the class of a job to a class that has a batch printer SEP specified for it, so that the output data sets can be printed.
The name of the job step that produced this file.
Step Number
The number of the job step that produced this file.
Proc Step
The name of the procedure step, where an output data set was created by a step in a procedure.
Proc Step Number
The number of the procedure step, where an output data set was created by a step in a procedure.
The date and time the file was last used in a job.
DS Name
The data set name of the output file, in mainframe format.
Physical File
The filename of the output file, in the format of your local operating system.