Mandatory: Region Availability

At the core of a Performance and Availability Cluster (PAC) are the regions, a PAC can contain two or more regions

Note: Micro Focus recommends that you create a PAC with at least three regions. This enables instances within the PAC to be temporarily suspended for maintenance without compromising the availability of the PAC.
Mandatory Region Availability

The PAC Scale-Out Repository (PSOR) enables the PAC to be administered and operated as a single system image:

Note: A PAC must have only one PSOR.

The following are examples of how a Scale-Out Repository (Scale-Out Repository (SOR)) reduces the administrative burden and minimizes the risks that might normally be part of managing a scale-out configuration of enterprise server instances:

Note: Over time as more capabilities are added to the PAC, then more supporting actions will be added to the function of the SOR to minimize administration requirements.