To configure the security facility to use the MLDAP ESM

The Enterprise Server External Security Facility connects to external LDAP servers through the MLDAP ESM module. To configure this in ESCWA:

  1. Add a security manager to the security manager list as described by To Add or Remove a Security Manager from the List and specify the following details:
    • In the Name field, type the name that you will use to refer to the security manager when adding it to particular security manager lists, for example, you might call it MLDAP.
    • In the Modulefield, type mldap_esm.
    • In the Connection Path field, type the address for your LDAP server, for example, localhost:389.
    • The Authorized ID and Password fields refer to the credentials that the MLDAP ESM module will use to connect to and, if you are using the MF Directory Server screens for managing users and resources, write any necessary information to the LDAP server.
      Note: You can use the Micro Focus Vault Facility to store a secret for the Authorized ID and Password fields. These fields can be specified using the forms:





    Make sure that you check Enabled. If it is not, the security manager will not be used by any security manager list to which it is added.

  2. Add the security manager to the security manager list for the relevant servers. See Specifying an External Security Manager for more information.