Installing the ACUCOBOL-GT Runtime

For the distributed processing deployment, there is nothing on the AcuConnect distribution media to install on the client machine. However, you should ensure that every client system that will use AcuConnect has a licensed copy of the ACUCOBOL-GT runtime that matches the version of AcuConnect installed on the server. For example, if you have installed AcuConnect Version 8.0 on the server, then the client should have the ACUCOBOL-GT runtime Version 8.0 installed.

To check the version number of the client runtime, use the -v option on the runtime command line. The runtime will display information similar to the following:

ACUCOBOL-GT runtime version 8.0
Serial number 1234
Licensed for 2 user(s), 2 processes per user
Copyright (c) 2008, MICRO FOCUS (IP) Ltd.

A -vv (double-v) option also displays the runtime's version number, along with extended information. The -vvv (triple-v) option, valid on UNIX systems, results in the display of additional configuration information about the UNIX port that is primarily useful to our development team. The information displayed varies with individual UNIX systems and is subject to change without notice.

If you have an earlier version of the runtime installed, or no version at all, contact your extend Sales Professional for information on purchasing the latest version of the runtime. For instructions on installing an ACUCOBOL-GT runtime, see your ACUCOBOL-GT User's Guide.