
The following table contains a description of each property and its associated method. Please note that the get property, LastErrorMsg, returns the string of the last error message. The set properties set the string or property value.

When "wrunnet.dll" is referenced in a Visual Studio .NET project or the compiled COBOL program used the "--netdll" option, properties can be viewed using the object browser of Visual Studio .NET. When the "--netdll" option is used, properties are inluded in the "ProgramName_CVM.dll".

Property Name Get/Set Description Command Option Platform Method
ConfigFile Set Alternate configuration file -c Win, UNIX Initialize
DebugCmds Set File containing debugger commands -r Win, UNIX Initialize
DisplayAppend Set File to append display output +o Win, UNIX Initialize
DisplayOut Set File for display output -o Win, UNIX Initialize
EmbeddedLib Set Load configuration file from COBOL object library --embedded Win, UNIX Initialize
ErrorsAppend Set Append to error messages file +e Win, UNIX Initialize
ErrorsOut Set Error messages file -e Win, UNIX Initialize
Import Set A variable for importing graphical screens -import Win Initialize
KeyFile Set Keyboard input file -i Win, UNIX Initialize
LastErrorMsg Get Returns the last error message string   Win, UNIX No restriction
ObjLib Set Object file library -y Win, UNIX Initialize
Plays Set File of input keystroke script -k Win, UNIX Initialize
RunPath Set Folder where "wrun32.dll" is located -runpath: Win, UNIX Initialize
Switches Set List of Special Names switches to turn on -# Win, UNIX Initialize
TerminalOut Set Capture terminal output to a file -t Win, UNIX Initialize
Property Name Get/Set Description Command Option Platform Method
Cache Set Leave program in cache after execution -cache Win, UNIX Call
CGIWarnings Set Suppress warning messages in CGI programs -f Win Initialize
CharToGui Set Convert character screens to GUI equivalent --CharToGui Win Initialize
Debug Set Execute ACUCOBOL-GT debugger -d Win, UNIX Call
DumpMem Set Dump memory for memory access violations -z Win, UNIX Initialize
ExtendedError Set Display extended error codes for file error "30" -x Win, UNIX Initialize
IgnoreSignals Set Ignore terminal hang-up signals -h UNIX Initialize
LinkageLength Set Disable Linkage item length test -u Win, UNIX Initialize
ListConfig Set List contents of configuration file -l Win, UNIX Initialize
NonNumeric Set Suppress warnings when non-numeric data is used as numeric data -w Win, UNIX Initialize
NoSaveDebug Set Prevent debugger from reading and writing adb --no-save-debug Win, UNIX Initialize
SafeMode Set Run in safe mode -s UNIX Initialize
ShowError Set Display error message text in a MesssageBox -show Win Call
TerminalInit Set Inhibit terminal initialization -b UNIX Initialize
Unicode Set Pic X() parameters passed as unicode -uni Win, UNIX Call
Wide Set Pic X() parameters passed As DBC strings -wide Win, UNIX Call
ZipErrorFile Set Suppress warning messages in CGI programs -g Win, UNIX Initialize