Editing Configuration Files

When you edit a configuration file, the Configuration file entries list on the right side of the screen shows ACUCOBOL-GT configuration variables, organized by category. These categories include:

Variables to which a value has been assigned appear in the Editing entry drop-down list in the top, left portion of the screen. When you select an option from this list, the CFE highlights the variable name in the tree view along the left side of the interface and shows the value assigned to the variable in the Value list in the top, right portion of the screen.

To add or change the value of a configuration variable, do the following:

  1. Locate the variable in the interface using one of the following methods:
    • If a value has already been assigned to the variable, select the variable from the Editing entry drop-down list.
    • Navigate the tree view on the left side of the screen to locate the variable you want to edit.
    • Enter the configuration variable name or some portion of it in the Find entry field, then click Find or press Enter.

      Note that this find function searches from the beginning of the word only. This means that the string key can be used to search for the KEYBOARD and KEYSTROKE variables, but not for the HOT_KEY variable.

  2. Double-click in the Value area to change the variable’s value. The behavior of the Value field varies depending on the value that you have selected.
    • If the variable takes a directory path (or multiple paths) as its value, a browse (...) button will appear in the field. When you click this button, a dialog opens, allowing you to navigate to the path. This can help to prevent typing and syntax errors
    • With variables like KEYSTROKE, which can appear multiple times in a file, assigning unrelated values, multiple lines of entry are enabled in the Value column.
  3. If you want to associated a comment with the selected variable in your configuration file, click in the Comment field.

    Remember that while the editor allows you to add comments about existing variables, it does not provide a method for commenting or uncommenting the variables themselves.

  4. To remove a configuration variable from the configuration file, highlight the entry in the Value column, then press Delete. If you have previously assigned a comment to the variable, use the Delete or Backspace key to remove that, as well.

    Configuration variables that are not assigned a value are removed from the configuration file.

  5. To save your changes, click OK.

    Your changes are written to the specified text file.