R-MAKE-FUNCTION (op-code 3)

This routine creates a new relative file. It will overwrite any existing file of the same name. However, it will not overwrite a file that is currently in use. If the file is in use, the error E_FILE_LOCKED is returned.

The R-MAKE-FUNCTION routine has two required parameters and one optional parameter: filename, l_params, blocks.

filename    is the name of the file to create. The name need not be null-terminated.
l_parms is a string that describes logical characteristics of the file. The string consists of two numeric fields separated by a comma. The string must be null-terminated. The fields are as follows:
  1. Maximum record size. This is the size in bytes of the largest record to be placed in the file. This can range from 1 to 67,108,864.
  2. Minimum record size.
blocks is the size of a block of records in bytes. The default is zero (0).