MAX-HEIGHT {IS} max-height
           {= }
MAX-WIDTH  {IS} max-width
           {= }
MIN-HEIGHT {IS} min-height
           {= }
MIN-WIDTH  {IS} min-width
           {= }
  1. MAX-HEIGHT, MAX-WIDTH, MIN-HEIGHT, and MIN-WIDTH are common properties of all graphical controls. They are unique from other common properties in that their names are reserved by the compiler only when they appear in the context of acting on a control: in a Screen Section entry, or a DISPLAY, MODIFY, or INQUIRE statement. See Styles and Special Properties for more information about the compilerreserves style and property names.
  2. The MAX-HEIGHT, MAX-WIDTH, MIN-HEIGHT, MIN-WIDTH phrases are used to specify a control's maximum and minimum height and width. These values are used by layout managers when resizing a control. See Layout Managers for more information.
  3. max-height is the maximum height of the control. It's value is in the same units as the control's LINES setting. The default value, zero, indicates no maximum height.
  4. max-width is the maximum width of the control. It's value is in the same units as the control's SIZE setting. The default value, zero, indicates no maximum width.
  5. min-height is the minimum height of the control. It's value is in the same units at the control's LINES setting. The default value, zero, indicates no minimum height.
  6. min-width is the minimum width of the control. It's value is in the same units at the control's SIZE setting. The default value, zero, indicates no minimum width.