$DISPLAY Statement

The $DISPLAY statement displays a message on the standard output device during compilation, or includes a version number in the object. There are two formats.

Format 1

$DISPLAY text-data

Format 2

$DISPLAY VCS = version-number


The entire $DISPLAY statement must appear on a single line.

General Rules

  1. If a $DISPLAY statement is encountered on a source line that is ignored by conditional compilation, there is neither a compile-time nor a runtime effect.

    Format 1

  2. Text-data is displayed on the standard output device during compilation. There is no run-time effect.

    Format 2

  3. Version-number is the content of the entire source line following the "=", excluding leading and trailing spaces.
  4. The character string formed by concatenating "@(#)", version-number, and a null character (binary zero) is included in the object file. If version-number begins with the characters "@(#)", the compiler does not concatenate these characters when forming the character string. In other words, only a single "@(#)" will be included in the object file, whether version-number includes that string or not.
Note: version-number can be any text string, but it is intended to contain a version number for which a pattern matching tool, such as the UNIX sccs what command, can search the object file.