When ACUCOBOL-GT interacts with other technologies such as Java or CICS (and other transactional or application server environments), its runtime uses signals in a different way to those technologies; therefore, use this configuration variable in such circumstances to ensure that ACUCOBOL-GT's signal handlers are enabled when an application is running COBOL code, and the previously installed signal handlers are enabled when the application is not running COBOL code. When this variable is enabled, ACUCOBOL-GT calls the acu_reg_sig_handlers() and acu_unreg_sig_handlers() C functions each time it's required to change a signal handler value.

Set A_PRESERVE_SIGNAL_HANDLERS to 0 or NONE to disable this feature. This should improve performance in environments that make many calls to acu_reg_sig_handlers() and acu_unreg_sig_handlers(). This is the default option.

Set A_PRESERVE_SIGNAL_HANDLERS to 1 or MAV to preserve handlers for signals that result in memory access violation errors. These are SIGILL, SIGSEGV, SIGBUS, SIGFPE and SIGSYS.

Set A_PRESERVE_SIGNAL_HANDLERS to 2 or ALL to preserve handlers for all signals for which ACUCOBOL-GT installs handlers upon initialization. These are the ones listed above (for MAV) plus SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGUSR1, SIGTSTP, SIGHUP, SIGTERM, and SIGPIPE. Note that runtime command line options (for example -b, -h, -s, and --no-signal-handlers) affect the handling of these signals.