Common Properties

This section lists some of the common properties for ActiveX controls.


ActiveX controls associate the TITLE property with the Window Text. The effect is dependent on the specific control type.


ActiveX controls do not use values.


The LINES and SIZE values describe the area occupied by the ActiveX control, using the ActiveX control’s font to determine the dimensions of the width and height. Note that the control’s font is otherwise ignored by the ActiveX control.


ActiveX controls ignore any colors specified. The actual colors used are control-dependent.


AX-EVENT-LIST is an exclusive list of ActiveX events that are either sent to or withheld (blocked) from the program, depending on the value of EXCLUDE-EVENT-LIST. See Common Screen Options for more information.



    The Return (or Enter) key typically terminates entry. If you specify the USE-RETURN style, the Return key is instead used by the ActiveX control when it is active. For example, if the ActiveX control is a text editor or if it offers a command prompt, the USE-RETURN style would allow the user to start a new line by pressing Return. Without this style, pressing Return would terminate input.


    The Tab key is typically used to move between fields or controls. If you specify the USE-TAB style, the Tab is instead used by the ActiveX control, when the control is active. This allows the user to enter a tab into the ActiveX control, but prevents the user from using the Tab key to leave the control.


    The user can normally activate a control by typing its key letter in combination with some other special key. Under Microsoft Windows, key letters are typed in conjunction with the Alt key. If you specify the USE-ALT style, the Alt key is instead used by the ActiveX control when it is active. This allows the user to enter an Alt key combination into the ActiveX control, but prevents the user from using an Alt key combination to activate another control.