ECN-4603 New XFD directive: IDENTITY-COLUMN


Module: Compiler, runtime

Machines Affected: All

Known Versions Affected: All


A new XFD directive, IDENTITY-COLUMN, allows you to define an identity column in your database.

You must only specify this directive on a numeric field, and the column start number and incremental value will assume the database's defaults.

If you specify this directive on more than one numeric field, all but the first directive is ignored. If you specify the directive on a non-numeric field, a warning message is generated.

The definition file parsexfd.def has been updated to include a new field relating to this directive. If the new directive is in effect and C$PARSEXFD op-code 3 is called, then this additional information is returned, but only if the group item used to capture the XFD information is large enough to accommodate the additional data.

Note: This data is only captured in the XFD if you are using an XML-style XFD file.