Installing AcuXDBC/AcuXDBC Server for UNIX/Linux Client

  1. Mount the installation CD-ROM for AcuXDBC.
  2. Change to the mount directory.
  3. Type ./install and follow the instructions given from the command line.
  4. Download an ODBC driver for UNIX. AcuXDBC has been tested with "unixODBC" from 64-bit platforms require unixODBC version 2.2.12 or later.
  5. Copy the unixODBC*.tar.gz file to a location where you have permission to create files and directories.
  6. Type unzip unixODBC*.tar.gz.
  7. Type tar xvf unixODBC*.tar
  8. Read the readme file located in the directory where the package was extracted and any other readme files with a suffix that describes your operating system (for example, readme.aix for IBM.AIX). These directions are provided for a basic 32-bit Linux (Intel x86) installation.
  9. Read the install file for prerequisites and installation instructions.
  10. Type configure and wait while features on your system are being checked.
  11. Type make and wait for the package to be compiled.
  12. Type make install to install programs, data, and documentation.
  13. Type odbcinst -j to find out where your SYSTEM and USER data sources are located. Here is the location information from a Linux system.

    DRIVERS............: /usr/local/etc/odbcinst.ini

    SYSTEM DATA SOURCES:/usr/local/etc/odbc.ini

    USER DATA SOURCES..:/home/techsup/.odbc.ini

  14. Add the following to the file where your SYSTEM data sources are located (for example, /usr/local/etc/odbc.ini):

    [ODBC Data Sources]

    vision_sys = VORTEXodbc to VISION


    Driver = /usr2/lib/

    Description = VORTEXodbc to VISION

    LoginID = system

  15. In /opt/acucorp/xxx/lib, create another odbc.ini file with the following information:

    rem -------------- VORTEXodbc

    fetch_buffer_size 8192 --fetch buffer size (in bytes)

    columns 256 -- max # of database columns

    logical_cursors 1024 -- max # of logical cursors

    db_cursors 64 -- max # of DB cursors

    • If the information above is for use on a local machine, enter: dsn_vision_sys "acuxdbc04:%s/%s/xvision:acuxdbc.cfg"
    • If the information above is for use on a server, enter: dsn_vision_sys "acuxdbc03:%s/%s/xvision:acuxdbc.cfg@20222:servername!acuxdbc04"
  16. Set two operating environment variables called VORTEX_HOME and GENESIS_HOME to the root installation directory of AcuXDBC, /opt/acucorp/xxx/ by default. The following is an example of how to set these variables:

    export VORTEX_HOME=/opt/acucorp/xxx

    export GENESIS_HOME=/opt/acucorp/xxx

    Note: The value of the environment variable should not have a “/” as the last character, because this can interfere with installation and configuration scripts.
  17. Set or modify environment variables that point to the location of the AcuXDBC executables and to tell the operating system where to find the AcuXDBC shared libraries. On Linux, use the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables, for example:

    export PATH=/opt/acucorp/xxx/bin

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/acucorp/xxx/bin

  18. Modify the AcuXDBC configuration file. A sample configuration file called acuxdbc.cfg is provided for your convenience. The configuration file must be located at $GENESIS_HOME. There are two variables that are required: DICTSOURCE and FILE_PREFIX. Other variables may be needed depending on your situation. Below is a partial sample of acuxdbc.cfg. showing the syntax for the two required variables. Note that this file also contains sample syntax and instructions for all available variables. If you want to use this file, you can remove the comment indicators from any of the other variables listed in acuxdbc.cfg.

    # The path to your system catalog directory

    DICTSOURCE /usr2/acuxdbc/syscat

    # The path to your data files. You must prepend the line with a semi-colon,

    # use either double backslashes ("\\") or forward slashes ("/"),

    # and separate your paths by semi-colons.

    FILE_PREFIX ;/usr2/acuxdbc/data;/usr2/acuxdbc/sample/acuxdbc/data

    Note: For FILE_PREFIX, the delimiting character is a semi-colon or colon. Spaces are not supported in this AcuXDBC variable.
  19. Verify that the AcuXDBC license file, xvision.alc, is located in the bin directory.
  20. Run the setup script located in the $GENESIS_HOME/bin directory.
  21. Try to access a sample Vision file using a utility that came with unixODBC. To run the test, type isql vision_sys system manager.

    A successful connection looks like this:

    Connected! sql-statementhelp [tablename]quit

  22. To use the unixODBC driver, set up a Data Source Name (DSN) for the veterinary data:
    1. From the Start menu, select Programs/extend xxx/AcuXDBC/ODBC Data Source Administrator. The ODBC Data Source Administrator appears.
    2. From the User DSN tab, click Add.
    3. From the Create New Data Source dialog box, select extend AcuXDBC Driver, and then click Finish.
    4. On the AcuXDBC Setup: General Tab, complete the fields as follows:
      Field Description
      Data Source Name Enter Vet Data
      Description (Optional) Enter Sample veterinary application data
      Network Driver Leave unchecked
      Hostname N/A
      Port N/A
      Configuration File Accept the default value
      Username System
      Password Manager
      Confirm Password Leave blank
    5. Access the veterinary database from an ODBC-compliant application as described in Working with Windows and Java Applications.