Examples of Default Mapping

If your program has one file with the three records shown below, the underlined fields are included in the XFD by default (this example assumes that ar-codes-key is named in a KEY IS phrase). Some fields do not appear in the XFD, but the XFD maps them to the master field names. The interface thus eliminates redundancies and gives you optimum performance.

Note: In the following example, the ship-weight and ship-instruct fields would be invisible to any ODBC, JDBC, or SQL application, unless you used a directive to make the fields visible.
01  ar-codes-record.
    03  ar-codes-key.
        05   ar-code-type     pic x.  
        05   ar-code-num      pic 999.

These underlined fields are included because they are the key.

01  ship-code-record.
    03  filler               pic x(4).
    03  ship-weight          pic s999v9.
    03  ship-instruct        pic x(15).
01  terms-code-record.
    03  filler               pic x(4).
    03  terms-rate-1         pic s9v999.
    03  terms-days-1         pic 9(3).
    03  terms-rate-2         pic s9v999.
    03  terms-descript       pic x(15).

These underlined fields are included because they comprise the largest record.

The diagram below shows how AcuXDBC identifies database columns for some of the fields in the COBOL record, while other fields are mapped to those columns by the XFD; this means that all of the fields are accessible to the ODBC or JDBC program.

Note: If your application reads a record that should be a ship-code-record, the data that is displayed is unreadable. If you try to modify that record, you may receive an error message.