Accepting the Automatic Update

If the user proceeds with the thin client automatic update, the thin client downloads an installer file. ACUCOBOL-GT provides a default .msi installer file called acuthin.msi in the REDIST directory on our product CD. This file contains all of the information needed to update the thin client, including installation instructions and properties. To use this file as your installer file, you should copy it to the directory that contains the wrun32 or runcbl runtime executable. If you rename this file or install it in any other directory, you must set the TC_INSTALLER_SERVER_FILE configuration variable to the path and file name of the installer file.

You may use Microsoft® Visual Studio®, InstallShield®, Wise installer, or a similar tool to create your own .msi file if you want to customize the thin client automatic update installation.

You can also create an .exe, .html, .doc, .pdf, .bat, or .cmd file to run instead of an .msi installer. If the installer file ends with .msi or .exe, the thin client executes the file directly. If the installer file does not have either extension, the thin client uses the Windows ShellExecute() API to run it as if the user had double-clicked on the file or opened the file using Windows Explorer. Other issues apply if you use an installer file that does not have the .msi extension. See Restarting the Application with the New Thin Client for a description of the TC_INSTALLER_RUN_ASYNC configuration variable.