Mapping Options

Each mapping option causes the compiler to produce a simple report about the program that is being compiled. Mapping options that produce reports prevent the compiler from generating an object file or XFD file. In this situation, errors in the source program are usually not reported. Only one report may be produced at a time, so several of the mapping options are mutually exclusive.

Specification of any mapping option causes the compiler to ignore all text positioned between EXEC and END-EXEC keywords.

Mapping options are frequently used internally by the workbench to implement some of the editor features.

-Mc      Lists all of the special style and property names associated with graphical controls. You can combine this with the -Mr option to get a listing of both reserved words and property names. You might use this to produce word lists for the AcuBench Code Editor, to specify the words to be colored as reserved words.
-Ml Causes the -Mp (paragraphs) and -Mv (variables) reports to be printed in lowercase. The default is uppercase. See Miscellaneous Options.
-Mm Causes the -Mp (paragraphs) and -Mv (variables) reports to be printed in mixed upper and lowercase. In this mode, the beginning of each word is capitalized, and the rest of the word is made lowercase. See Miscellaneous Options.
-Mo Names the output file for a map report. This option must be followed (as the next argument) with the name of a file. If this option is not used, then map reports are sent to the compiler's standard output.
-Mp Causes the compiler to produce a report on the Procedure Division sections and paragraphs contained in the program. If you select this option, the program is not compiled into an object file.
-Mr Causes the compiler to produce a report of the reserved words known to the compiler. The exact list depends on the other compile time options. You can use this option to produce a word list that can by used by the workbench's editor to color reserved words. The workbench comes with the full reserved word set pre-programmed. If you modify the set of reserved words with any of the -R compiler options, you can use this option to produce a custom list that matches the reserved words you use. Selecting this option prevents the compiler from producing an object file.
-Ms Causes the compiler to produce a report of the COBOL source files used in the program. This includes the program itself and any COPY libraries. This list can be useful for generating dependencies if you use a make utility, and can help you determine which files to send to Technical Support staff when you need help resolving compiler issues. This option prevents the compiler from producing an object file.
-Mss Similar to -Ms, this option lists all the COBOL source files needed to compile a program. If you specify -Mss instead of -Ms you get an enhanced listing with the following format:
path base-filename "C" or "R" source-file line-number


  • path is the pathname processed by the compiler. This path may be relative to the current directory. For Win32 compilers, path is the full pathname leading up to the COPY file.
  • base-filename is the base file name of the COPY library.
  • C is listed if the file is a standard COPY library or the original source file.
  • R is listed if the file corresponds to a COPY RESOURCE statement.
  • source-file is the name of the file containing the COPY statement
  • line-number is the line number of the COPY statement. The compiler lists a 0 if the file is the original source file.

AcuBench uses this format when you import programs to the workbench.

-Mu Causes the -Mp (paragraphs) and -Mv (variables) reports to be printed in uppercase. This is the default. See the -Zw compiler option (Miscellaneous Options).
-Mv Produces a report of the data items (variables) declared in the program. This option prevents the compiler from producing an object file.