acushare -start

The command for starting acushare is:

acushare -start [ -p portnumber ] [ -e errorfile [ -g ] ]

A successful start creates a background process that handles license management and shared code. You can specify:

acushare -start -f ...

to have acushare run in the foreground.

By default, acushare obtains a port number (for the listening port) from the operating system. If you want to direct acushare to listen on a specific port, you can include the -p option followed by the desired port number. For example:

acushare -start -p 12345

If the -e option is included, acushare error output is appended to the file named after -e. If -e is not used, error output is sent to /dev/console by default. If output is not allowed on /dev/console, acushare attempts to append to a file named acushare.err in the current directory. If that fails, acushare prints the message acushare: cannot open error output file to standard output and the process exits.

If -e is specified, you can optionally use -g to cause the error file to be compressed with the gzip compression method. Such files must be manually decompressed with gzip before reading or editing. For clarity and to reduce the risk of confusion or error, it is recommended that you specify a .gz extension in the filename. For example:

acushare -start -eg acushare_trc.gz