This variable has meaning only on systems with a mouse. Indicate which mouse actions will return an exception value to your program by setting the value of the configuration variable MOUSE_FLAGS. Mouse actions that you don't want to deal with will be ignored. The value you set is actually one or more values added together. The possible values are:

1 Causes ACUCOBOL-GT to use its automatic mouse handling facility. (default)
2 Enables the "left button pushed" action.
4 Enables the "left button released" action.
8 Enables the "left button double-clicked" action.
16 Enables the "middle button pushed" action.
32 Enables the "middle button released" action.
64 Enables the "middle button double-clicked" action.
128 Enables the "right button pushed" action.
256 Enables the "right button released" action.
512 Enables the "right button double-clicked" action.
1024 Enables the "mouse moved" action.
2048 Forces the mouse pointer always to be the default arrow shape when you are using automatic mouse handling. If this is not set, then the shape of the mouse pointer varies depending on various other configuration options. See MOUSE above.
16384 This causes all enabled mouse actions that occur within your application's window to return an exception value. If this is not set, then only mouse actions that occur within the current ACUCOBOL-GT window return a value. (The current ACUCOBOL-GT window is a window created by your program with the DISPLAY WINDOW verb.)

For example, if you wanted your program to receive an exception value whenever the user pressed either the left or right button, you would set: