A_SYB_DEADLOCK_LOOPS configuration variable

Use A_SYB_DEADLOCK_LOOPS if you expect that more than one user will be opening a lot of tables at the same time. This configuration variable can be used to instruct Acu4GL to re-execute an INSERT statement that could not execute because a row in the AcuOpenTables table was locked, or to return an error if the user chooses not to run the query again.

The default for A_SYB_DEADLOCK_LOOPS is 0, which causes the interface to return an error 9D/1205 indicating that a table is locked.

Set A_SYB_DEADLOCK_LOOPS to a positive numeric value to cause Acu4GL for Sybase to re-execute by the number specified the query that tried to open the table, and, thus, caused the deadlock. Note that it can be as long as 10 seconds until Sybase detects the deadlock, and the application appears not respond while the repeated attempts to re-execute the query are in progress.

Set A_SYB_DEADLOCK_LOOPS to -1 or MESSAGE to cause Acu4GL for Sybase to display a message box containing the text of the Sybase error message and the option to rerun the query.

Sybase has returned an error 
(text of message from Sybase)
Do you want to retry the operation?

If the user answers yes, the interface reruns the query. If the user answers no, the interface returns an error 9D. Setting A_SYB_DEADLOCK_LOOPS to -1 or MESSAGE is the preferred action. This represents the time it takes to inform users of the problem allows other connections to finish opening the tables, giving the AcuOpenTables table time to remove the deadlock.