Converting RM/COBOL Data Files

Data files written by RM/COBOL programs can be converted for use by ACUCOBOL-GT programs. The exact procedure depends on the version of RM/COBOL used to create the data files.

Sequential and relative files created by RM/COBOL version 2 programs are directly usable by ACUCOBOL-GT programs. These files have exactly the same internal format. (Note, however that this is not true for variable-length binary sequential files or variable-length relative files.)

RM/COBOL version 2 produces two types of indexed files: single-file format and dual-file format. The dual-file format consists of two physical files for each logical file. One of these files is a binary sequential file that contains the raw data records. The other is a file that contains the key information. You can convert one of these files by using the "load" option of vutil. To do this, first create an empty ACUCOBOL-GT indexed file either with a COBOL program (by doing an OPEN OUTPUT) or with the "generate" option of vutil. Then use the "load" option of vutil, specifying the RM/COBOL data file as the input file. Note that the RM/COBOL key file is not used. For more information, see Debugger and Utilities.

A single-file format indexed file must first have its records unloaded into a binary sequential file with an RM/COBOL program. Then this file can be loaded into an ACUCOBOL-GT indexed file with the procedure described for the dual-file format.

Line sequential and fixed-length binary sequential files created by RM/COBOL-85 are directly usable by ACUCOBOL-GT. Use the following procedures to convert other RM/COBOL-85 formats to fixed-length binary sequential.