Code Editor General, Format, Tabs, and Keyword Options

General options for the Code Editor let you determine Line Number pane width, Code Editor line length, ASCII code settings, and behavior of the editor’s vertical block select function.

Format options can be used to change the colors that identify each ANSI display field (Sequence Number area, Indicator area, area A, area B, and Identification area). You can also customize the appearance of code text types (Comment, Keyword, String, Number, and Text) and designate the text string that is inserted in ANSI format columns 73-80 when you modify source code.

Format options also allow you to change the default column settings of your file. The default settings are the ANSI-specified standard settings. If you are working with terminal source format, you may want to change these default settings. An explanation of terminal source format is found in The ACUCOBOL-GT User's Guide.

Tabs options allow you to direct that the editor support the tabs in your source code or automatically convert the tabs in your code to spaces. You can also set up to 32 custom tab stops.

Finally, Keyword options give you the ability to add, delete, and modify keyword sets. You can also determine how far the next line after the keyword will be indented, if at all.

Note that these keyword settings affect only the workbench’s colorization and auto-indent functions. Adding or deleting a keyword in a default list does not affect the behavior of the ACUCOBOL-GT compiler. To change the list of reserved words recognized by the compiler, use the -R flag, described in The ACUCOBOL-GT User's Guide.

The Code Editor General, Format, Tabs, and Keyword options are described in Configuring the Code Editor.