Rendering Tags

Rendering tags are text strings embedded in the server response file HTML source code. A rendering tag has this general form:

{{ tag }}
{{ tag (parameter-list) }}

Rendering tags always begin with {{ and end with }} sequence and the tag itself is not case-sensitive, although parameters within the tag may be case-sensitive. Spaces are used in the examples to increase readability but are not required.

The optional parameter list may be formatted in a number of ways:

Except where specified, tokens may be enclosed in double or single quotation marks. This is required if a token contains spaces or a comma.

Under Windows, the total length of a tag (from the opening brace to the closing brace) may not exceed 4096 characters.

Important: Important: Both the opening {{ and the closing }} tag delimiters must be contained on a single line; that is, a tag may not contain embedded newline characters. Use caution when creating tags with HTML editors that reformat HTML and make sure that any reformatting does not split tags across multiple lines. Some strategies to avoid line wrapping problems:
  • Turn off line and word wrapping in your HTML editor for .srf files. Note that Visual Studio 2003, 2005, and 2008 properly handle tags within the HTML editor.
  • Embed non-rendering tags (that is, tags that do not produce HTML output) in HTML comment sequences, as HTML editors will preserve formatting within comments. For example:
     {{ ServiceLibs( MyVeryLongLibraryName AnotherVeryLongLibraryName ) }} 

You may still have to disable word-wrapping and reformatting for .srf files to prevent reformatting, or create tags that do not contain spaces.