
Capture Incoming Data

Displays the Save As dialog box, in which you specify a file to save, or capture, all data received from the host. While you are capturing data, this command is unavailable.

Clear Display command, Edit menu (VT only)

Clears display memory and sets all line attributes to normal.

Clear History command, Edit menu (VT only)

Removes all information from the history buffer. When history is enabled, lines that scroll off the screen are stored in the history buffer. You can use the vertical scroll bar to display the history buffer, which appears above the first page.

Client Authentication

Client authentication (also referred to as user authentication) requires users to prove their identity using digital certificates (the default setting for the Reflection Security Proxy).

Client authentication is typically required when an SSL session is first established. It will also be required by a TN 3270 server if the user is using the Express Logon Feature provided by some mainframe systems.

Client authorization

Used in connections secured by the Management and Security Server to ensure that access to host systems is approved before the connection can proceed.

When a user logs into the Management and Security Server, he or she only has access to terminal session files and other features for which he has been explicitly authorized to use.

Control Menu

For information about standard Windows functions (e.g., maximizing, minimizing, restoring, and scrolling windows), refer to your Windows documentation.

CRL (Certificate Revocation List)

A digitally signed list of certificates that have been revoked by the Certification Authority. Certificates identified in a CRL are no longer valid.

Digital Certificate

An integral part of a PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). Digital certificates (also called X.509 certificates) are issued by a certificate authority (CA), which ensures the validity of the information in the certificate. Each certificate contains identifying information about the certificate owner, a copy of the certificate owner's public key (used for encrypting and decrypting messages and digital signatures), and a digital signature (generated by the CA based on the certificate contents). The digital signature is used by a recipient to verify that the certificate has not been tampered with and can be trusted.

End Capture

Stops capturing data received from the host. Unless you are currently capturing data, this command is unavailable.

Express Logon Feature (ELF)

Also referred to as single sign-on (SSO), express logon is an IBM mainframe feature that lets users log on and connect to the host without entering a user ID and password each time. Express Logon authenticates the user on the mainframe by using her SSL client certificate in lieu of entering a user ID and password.

Finish Printing

Forces immediate printing of accumulated printer data from the print buffers. This sends the data to the Windows printing spooler or the printer. This item is available only if you are using VT sessions.

Host Capture

Displays the Host Capture dialog box so that you can save the host screen as a bitmap.

Keyboard Map

Opens the currently loaded keyboard map. Helps you to identify the actions associated with each keystroke and to perform those actions by clicking on the display.

Most Recently Used Files

Lists the sessions that have been opened previously. Open a session by selecting one from this list.

OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol)

A protocol (using the HTTP transport) that can be used as an alternative to CRL checking to confirm whether a certificate is valid. An OCSP responder responds to certificate status requests with one of three digitally signed responses: "good", "revoked", and "unknown". Using OCSP removes the need for servers and/or clients to retrieve and sort through large CRLs.

Print Multiple Screens

Opens the Print Multiple Screens window where you can create a queue of host screens and send them to the printer at one time.

Print Screen

Opens the Print Screen dialog box from which you configure settings to print your display image.

Print Settings

Opens the Print Settings dialog box where you can set fromatting options and specify a title, header and footer for the printed page.


Displays information about your session, connection information, and host information.

Record Macro

Opens the Macro dialog box, where you can run, record, edit, or delete a macro.

Reset Display

Resets the VT display. This affects ANSI states only.

Run Keyboard Map Editor

Opens the Keyboard Map Editor, where you can create a custom keyboard map: a file that defines the function that each key on a PC keyboard performs to communicate with a host.

Run Macro Editor

Opens the Macro Editor, where you can create custom macros using Extra! Basic programming language.

Run QuickPad Editor

Opens the QuickPad Editor, where you can create custom QuickPads: small windows that contain text, buttons, bitmaps or other graphical elements that initiate an action when clicked.

Run Toolbar Editor

Opens the Toolbar Editor, where you can create custom toolbars to run in your sessions.

Save Layout

Saves the desktop positions and appearance of each window into a layout. When loaded, the layout opens and positions the windows as saved.


Opens the Security dialog box, where you can control access to various functions.

Select Display command, Edit menu (VT only)

Selects the entire VT page.

Session Type

Opens the Session Type dialog box, where you can specify the connection type, display or device type, and file transfer protocol to use for this session.

Show Menu Bar

Shows/hides the menu bar within your application. This command acts like a toggle switch. Each time you choose it, the menu bar changes from being visible or not visible.


Opens the Status application, which allows you to gather information about session activity, trace API calls, and trace communications activities as you work in your session. Use this type of information for session diagnostics.

Status Bar

Toggles the status bar, which appears at the bottom of the display session screen, off and on. The status bar displays information pertaining to your session. A check mark appears in front of this item when the status bar is displayed.

The Status Bar

The status bar displays information pertaining to your session. To hide this feature, select Status Bar from the View menu.

The Toolbar

A set of buttons that, with one mouse click, allows you to quickly perform functions such as opening a new session. Select View, Toolbars to select a new toolbar, add new toolbars and toolbar buttons, and edit toolbars and individual buttons.

Transfer File

Opens the Transfer File dialog box where you can send and receive files.

Transfer Multiple Files

Opens the Transfer Multiple Files dialog box, where you can create a list of files and transfer them as a batch to or from the host.