Hex Passthrough Trigger Signatures

You can enable the processing of hexadecimal characters in mid-data stream by defining a trigger character and choosing the Enable Hex Passthrough option. Once the start trigger character is seen, it expects the following text to consist only of hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F) and optional spaces. Hex passthrough processing stops when Extra! "sees" a non-hex character. This non-hex character is then stripped out of the data stream, and processing of the data stream returns to normal text.

One exception to this is the "double-percent" (%%) trigger character used specifically for the Tangram Arbiter product. In the event that %% is used for the start and termination trigger character, then both %% termination characters will be discarded from the beginning and end of the hex block. If any other single non-hex, non-%% termination character is encountered, only that single termination character will be discarded from the end of the hex block.