3.15.3 Global Preferences Files/Directories Page

Use this page to specify a startup macro (if desired), the macro search path, and the locations of schemes and settings files.

Table 3-129



Macro Search Path

Displays the name of the directory where macros are stored.

To use a different directory, choose Browse and select the desired directory from the Browse for Folder dialog box.

Browse button

Select the desired file or folder from a list of available files or folders.

Local Path

Displays the name of the directory on your PC where schemes, keyboard maps, and QuickPads are stored. By default, all new schemes, keyboard maps, and QuickPads are created in this location.

Remote Path

Displays the name of the network directory where schemes, keyboard maps, and QuickPads are stored.

To use a different directory, choose Browse and select the desired directory from the Browse for Folder dialog box.


Select the desired file or folder from a list of available files or folders.

To select a scheme or settings file using the local or remote path

  1. From the Options menu, choose Global Preferences.

  2. Choose the Files/Directories tab.

  3. In the Settings Information box, choose the Browse button and select the scheme or settings file you want to use, then choose OK.