Adding or editing an action

  1. From the Edit Screen dialog box choose Actions Available from this Screen, and click Add to add an item.

    The Edit Action dialog box is displayed.


    Select the action from the expanded list and click Edit to edit an existing action.

    The Edit Action dialog box is displayed.

  2. Enter a name for the action in Action Name. This can be up to 12 characters.

  3. Select Navigation Failure Action to send keys to the host if navigation fails.

  4. Select Prompt User for Input Text to set up a prompt for the user. Type the text for the prompt in Edit Entry.

  5. Update the entries in the Key Entries In Action box.

    Table 3-125


    Do this

    Edit an existing entry

    Double-click the entry you want to edit in Key Entries In Action. The entry is displayed in Edit Entry. Edit the entry and click Replace.

    Delete an existing entry

    Select the entry from Key Entries In Action and click Delete.

    Insert a new key entry

    Type the entry in Edit Entry or double click a key in Terminal Keys. Choose Insert to insert the entry directly above the selected key entry, or Add to add the entry directly below the selected key entry.

  6. Repeat step 5 as needed to make changes to Key Entries In Action.

  7. Click OK to save your changes.