A.3 Downloading and Installing the Filr Authentication Plugin

To enable Filr users to access the Filr services through NetIQ Access Manager (NAM), Filr provides an authentication plugin that you must download and install on the NAM server that you want to use as a proxy server.

To download and install the plugin:

  1. Open a browser on your administrative workstation and access the Port 9443 Appliance Console on the first Filr appliance using the following URL:


    Where Filr_IP_Address is the IP address of the Filr appliance.

  2. Click the Configuration and then click Reverse Proxy.

  3. In the NetIQ Access Manager Integration section, click Filr Plugin for NAM to download the FilrAuthClass.jar file.

  4. Copy the FilrAuthClass.jar file to the following locations on the NAM server:

    • Linux: /opt/novell/nids/lib/webapp/WEB-INF/lib

    • s: C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\Tomcat\webapps\nidp\WEB-INF\classes

  5. Run the following commands to restart the Identity Server and the Access Gateway:

    • Identity Server: /etc/init.d/novell-idp restart

    • Access Gateway: /etc/init.d/novell-mag restart