3.7 Recent Files List

This is the list of recently accessed files by the logged in user and the files shared (by the logged in user and other users). By default, 10 files accessed by the user, in the past 7 days are listed. The Administrator can configure the number of days. The user can change the number of files to be displayed in the list. By default, the Netfolders flag is enabled. If the Administrator disables Netfolders for the Recent Files, then the files uploaded, renamed, commented, or edited by other users in the Netfolders are not listed under logged in user’s Recent Files. All the files that you or other users access recently are listed in this area. There is no need to browse the individual folders to access those files. The list displays:

  • Who has modified the file.

  • What is the operation performed on the file.

Changing the age of the files that appear on the Recent Files

By default, the recent files accessed by the user in the past 7 days are listed in the Recent Files. The Administrator can change the number of days up to 60. To do this, add recent.activity.for.days=<value> as a separate line at /opt/novell/filr/apache-tomcat/webapps/ssf/WEB-INF/classes/config/ssf-ext.properties.

Figure 3-1 Adding SSH

After adding the line, restart the Filr service.


  • This setting affects all the users in the Filr including an administrator and the users with equivalent rights as an administrator.

  • The value for recent.activity.for.days should be numerical and be less than or equal to 60 (maximum), if value more than 60, then defaulted to the maximum value.

Disabling the Recent Files

The administrator can change the number of days to -1. To do this, add recent.activity.for.days=<value> as a separate line at /opt/novell/filr/apache-tomcat/webapps/ssf/WEB-INF/classes/config/ssf-ext.properties. Recent files will not be displayed for the users.

Restrict the files in the NetFolders from appearing in the Recent Files list

By default, if any activity like adding comments, move, copy, or share performed by users on the files in My Files, Shared with Me, and Net Folders area are listed in the Recent files. However, the Filr administrator based on the activities can restrict the files from the Netfolder getting displayed in Recent Files. To restrict the files, add recent.activity.netfolders.disable=true as a separate line at /opt/novell/filr/apache-tomcat/webapps/ssf/WEB-INF/classes/config/ssf-ext.properties, as shown in the figure below and restart the Filr Service.

Figure 3-2 Adding SSH


  • This setting affects all the users in the Filr including the administrator and users with equivalent rights as an administrator.

  • This setting does not affect share activities performed on NetFolder files. Share activities continue to show even after setting this flag to true.